Welcome to BioJur

Charitable Foundation
Bioethical challenges in Argentina.
Let's improve people's lives. biojur.org


We promote interdisciplinary research and provide the public with information regarding to bioethical issues.
We encourage the exchange of information and the development of partnerships with different organizations in Argentina and around the world.



Reproductive Heath

We focus on engaging a broader audience in public debates on emerging medical technologies and their potential impact.
We collaborate with policy makers to identify solutions to health problems and to encourage debates at the intersection of health, biotechnology and medicine.



Legal Assistance

We offer policy recommendations in Argentina directly to those who initiate and elaborate legislation and participate in intergovernmental meetings regarding many of the issues addressed by BioJur including reproductive rights.
We assist the civil society with the submission of constitutional complaints to the Courts in cases that argentinean law has legal vaccums concerning Emerging Technologies or to preserve people's rights.



“Cloned food on your plate? by Florencia Daud. Published on AsiaGlobal Online - Hong Kong University (HKU).”
English Version

Florencia Marina Daud

Florencia Marina Daud Founder

“International cooperation in the exchange of DNA data from Biobanks for forensic use' by Florencia Daud. Published on Bioeticaweb.”
English Version
Spanish Version

Florencia Marina Daud

Florencia Marina Daud Founder

“International cooperation in the exchange of DNA data for forensic use: The European experience and the MERCOSUR challenges.”
English Version

Florencia Marina Daud

Florencia Marina Daud Founder

“The Bioethics of COVID-19: Should Governments let the virus run its course? by Florencia Daud. Published on AsiaGlobal Online- Hong Kong University ( HKU).”
English Version

Florencia Marina Daud

Florencia Marina Daud Founder

“Winning battles for women and their reproductive rights! We obtained that Federal Courts of Argentina enable fertility treatment emergency matters standing orders virtually through the electronic filing system under the exigent circumstances created by the COVID-19 pandemic.”
Amparo1 (SpanishVersion) PDFsize 1Mb
Amparo2 (SpanishVersion) PDFsize 1Mb
Amparo3 (SpanishVersion) PDFsize 1Mb

Florencia Marina Daud

Florencia Marina Daud Founder

“Ethical and legal issues on maternal spindle transfer.”
by Florencia Daud. Published on BioeticaWeb.
Spanish Version

Florencia Marina Daud

Florencia Marina Daud Founder

Article on “Maternal Spindle Transfer from a legal perspective in Argentina”
by Florencia Daud. Published on LA LEY - Thomson Reuters.
Spanish Full Version

Florencia Marina Daud

Florencia Marina Daud Founder

“Prestigious Medical Journal LA PRENSA MÉDICA from Argentina has published the article of Florencia Daud regarding Meiotic Spindle Transfer (Vol. 108, N. 2, p. 94, April 2022).”
Spanish Version

Florencia Marina Daud

Florencia Marina Daud Founder

“Thanks AsiaGlobal Online- University of Hong Kong (HKU) for publishing the article of Florencia Daud on maternal spindle transfer.”
English Version

Florencia Marina Daud

Florencia Marina Daud Founder

“Thanks A24- Florencia Daud speaks about Surrogacy with major argentinian News A24.”
Spanish Version

Florencia Marina Daud

Florencia Marina Daud Founder

“Thanks Marie Claire Magazine for interviewing Florencia Daud regarding Surrogacy in Argentina.”
Spanish Version

Florencia Marina Daud

Florencia Marina Daud Founder

Florencia Daud article on the Journal of Cardiology Research about “Maternal Spindle Transfer from a Legal Perspective”.
English Version

Florencia Marina Daud

Florencia Marina Daud Founder

Thanks to the prestigious Journal “La Prensa Médica Argentina” for publishing the article of Florencia Daud regarding “The regulation of Artificial Intelligence (AI) on issues related to medically assisted reproduction”.
English Version PDFsize 24Mb

Florencia Marina Daud

Florencia Marina Daud Founder

“Florencia Daud thanks SAIJ - Argentine Legal Information System - for the publication of her article “Dangerous Connectivity” on the regulation of the privacy of data shared in cars with cell phones”
Spanish Version

Florencia Marina Daud

Florencia Marina Daud Founder

“Thanks to the Argentine Legal Information System (SAIJ) for the publication of the article on DNA bases by Florencia Daud. “
Spanish Version

Florencia Marina Daud

Florencia Marina Daud Founder

“Thanks to the Argentine Legal Information System (SAIJ) for the publication of the article on President Milei's 'Bases law' by Florencia Daud.“
Spanish Version

Florencia Marina Daud

Florencia Marina Daud Founder

“Florencia Daud thanks the Argentine Legal Information System SAIJ, dependent on the Ministry of Justice, for the publication of her article on animal reproductive cloning DACF240069“
Spanish Version

Florencia Marina Daud

Florencia Marina Daud Founder


BioJur organizes panel discussions to facilitate public understanding of current bioethical issues.
BioJur puts together the knowledge and experience of experts, professionals in government, the judiciary system, academia, and the private medicine sector regarding Ethics and Emerging Technologies.
BioJur organizes meetings with families that went through Fertility Treatments involving gamete and embryo donation and also with Single Mothers and Single Fathers by Choice and give them legal and psichological advise.

Founder Florencia Daud
"Cortá por Lozano" TV Show
Cortá por Lozano
Migration Conference
Chevening, BioJur, U.B.A, OIM, ACNUR
Migration Conference


Florencia Marina Daud

Florencia Marina Daud is a lawyer from the University of Buenos Aires specialized in Bioethics. She holds a Masters degree in International Relations from the University of Bologna and has studied Global Public Policy at the London School of Economics (LSE) as a Chevening Scholar. On 2017 she was part of the first cohort of fellows of the Asia Global Fellows Program at Hong Kong University (HKU) where she focused on bioethical issues in Asia.
Prior to that she was a 'stagiaire' at the Court of Justice of the European Union in Luxembourg and a trainee at the Law Society of England and Wales in London.
In Argentina she worked at major law firm, Marval, O'Farrell & Mairal, and as an advisor to Congress members. She regularly writes articles about Law and Emerging Technologies and talks in panel discussions. She is fluent in Spanish, English and Italian.

About Us

BioJur is a Charitable Foundation dedicated to encourage public understanding of bioethical issues and to explore solutions to bioethical challenges in Argentina in order to improve people's lives.
We focus on research regarding the legal implications of the the use of Emerging Technologies.
Founded in 2018 by Mgr. Florencia Daud, through BioJur events and activities we seek to keep policy decision-makers, the media, and the general public informed and aware of important bioethical issues.
Such awareness is essential for making informed decisions and promoting public debate. It is through such debate that old practices and beliefs are challenged, and new social norms are formed. We also offer legal assitance in cases where argentinean law has legal vaccums regarding new technologies or to preserve civil society's rights.

Our Experience

+1000 Research
+500 Reproductive Heath
+100 Articles Published
+50 Legal Assistance

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Florencia Marina Daud

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